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yellow jack 短語和例子[〔美國〕 jack]1.【醫學】= yell...

yellow jacket

I been in places hot as pitch , and mates dropping round with yellow jack , and the blessed land a - heaving like the sea with earthquakes - what do the doctor know of lands like that ? - and i lived on rum , i tell you 我曾在像瀝青油那么燙的地方呆過,同伴們得了黃熱病一個接一個地倒下去了,那鬼地方又發生了地震,地動得像海一樣醫生知道那種地方嗎?

Fishing ground will be created by releasing yellow jack fry and installing floating fish beds in order to increase the economic value of fisheries in the area 通過放養黲魚苗和設置浮魚礁建立漁場,提高該地區魚資源的經濟價值。